University Asphalt Technology Module

Since 2017, more than 2,300 eBook and hardcopy publications have been provided to undergraduate and graduate-level engineering students across the United States through AIF’s educational outreach efforts. AIF’s goal is to assist university professors and students with asphalt industry resource manuals and reference material that will enhance their classroom studies of asphalt pavement engineering.

In October 2020, the foundation launched the availability of the Asphalt Technology Module. The module consists of six 50-minute lectures that are an ideal addition to a basic engineering or construction materials course for undergraduate students. In June 2023, the AI Foundation added a laboratory-based component to supplement the lecture-based material.

Module topics include: performance of asphalt pavements; basic materials used in asphalt mixtures; the asphalt mixture design process; production of asphalt mixtures in the field; and, construction of asphalt pavements.

The module is packaged for use by any instructor – but is particularly useful for instructors with little to no prior background in asphalt or pavement technology. 

The lecture material is organized in two different formats: either three 50-minute lectures per week (total of six 50-minute lectures) or two 75-minute lectures per week (total of four 75-minute lectures).  The laboratory material is designed in four different formats depending on several factors: whether there is a lab component to the course, if so whether there is only aggregate equipment available or both aggregate and asphalt mixture equipment, and finally whether there can be one or two 3-hour lab sessions dedicated to asphalt in the course.  Professors can select the formats that best meet their situation.

Professors who request the module for use in their classrooms will receive access to electronic files including guidance documents, PowerPoints, lecture notes/lesson plans, practice problems (with solutions), videos of lab tests being demonstrated, relevant spreadsheets, and instructor/student access to the Asphalt Institute’s publications, MS-2: Asphalt Mix Design Methods and MS-22: Construction of Quality Asphalt Pavements.

University/college professors in the United States and Canada can complete the form below to request access to the complimentary resources to utilize in their classrooms. Please note that all requests are subject to approval by the Asphalt Institute Foundation. 

Funding of this project would not be possible without the $40,000 grant awarded to AIF by Jebro Inc., in the spring of 2018.

Interested in sponsoring hardcopy publications of MS-2: Asphalt Mix Design Methods and MS-22: Construction of Quality Asphalt Pavements for university students? For an investment of $100 per student, hardcopy manuals will be presented to university students utilizing the Asphalt Technology Module. Requests for hardcopy manuals are managed as received from schools/professors in the United States and Canada. Contact Grover Allen to learn more.

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