
Internship Program

Since 2016, the goal of the AIF Internship Program is to connect students to jobs and careers in the liquid asphalt industry. Each June the Foundation hosts students from Asphalt Institute member companies for a two-day program in Lexington, Kentucky.

Bill and Shireen Kirk Scholarship Fund

Scholarships from this fund are awarded annually to third or fourth year undergraduate, masters, or doctoral students who exhibit need and are interested in pursuing degrees in business, chemistry, civil engineering, construction management, marketing or sales.

Asphalt Technology Module

Designed for use by university professors, the Asphalt Technology Module provides engineering students with an introduction to asphalt and flexible paving technology.

Interested in contributing to AIF?

Your generous donations enable the foundation to make major strides in accomplishing our mission through the fulfillment of our education and research initiatives. Learn more.